3 PWRR5 Queens

Latest events

A successful branch lunch was held at the Victoria hotel in Canterbury on the 30th of April 2022, 17 members joined us for a convivial lunch. Another event will be held later this year, more information to follow.

Latest News

This year the regiment celebrates is 30-year anniversary. To mark the occasion there will be grand reunion and presentation of new colours to 4 PWRR on the 17th September at Whale Island at Portsmouth - Keep an eye out for further details nearer the time!

Keep Connected with PWRR

Contact us to be added to the mail list and receive more details about PWRR

The main PWRR Association may be found here

PWRR and Queens

The PWRR Queen’s museum in Dover has a new online presence, their new website is now live, please take a look! www.pwrrqueensmuseum.co.uk